Music Ministry
Why We Worship
When the Lord occupies a prominent place in a believer’s heart, worship happens! Since the church began Christians have been a singing people, using music as a means to express their deep love, thanksgiving, and praise. At Atonement, we believe that God has given music and the arts as a gift so that we may more fully worship Him together and reach out to the world around us in a creative and dynamic way.
“God-honoring worship” is a part of our vision statement. As a musical team we choose songs that are honoring to God, edify Him, and clearly proclaim Biblical truth. Classic hymns that celebrate the heritage of our faith and contemporary choruses and songs are blended in our service as we worship in unity celebrating the depth of our faith tradition and maturity, and the fresh expressions of our love for Him.
People who desire to serve the Lord by using their instrumental and vocal skills make up these smaller ensembles that lead our weekly Sunday morning services. Each member exemplifies a lifestyle of worship and has a heart and passion for leading others in worship.
Our Choir and Orchestra provides singers and musicians an opportunity to lead in celebration services and special events. This multigenerational group brings a special Resurrection Day Cantata each year and everyone is welcome to participate by attending our practices and rehearsals.
Join us in our annual tradition of singing in the Christmas Choir. This choir has several opportunities to sing together during the month of December and on Christmas Eve.
4 This Time is a local ladies ensemble at Atonement Church. Girls 6th grade and up are welcome to participate. Music is provided and practices are from 5-6pm every Wednesday night. 4 This Time offers rich ministry opportunities, training in basic music reading, and encouraging fellowship!
For more information, click here.
Get Involved
If you have a passion for worship and a desire to help lead the church in praise, contact Summer Long for more information.