“My child would never be able to sit through a worship service.” We understand that often it is difficult for young ones to sit still and be silent for an extended period of time. However, we believe there are great benefits from participating in the worship service together as a family!
- It is powerful for a child to see their parents worship God.
- Learning to sit still and listen is a crucial skill that will benefit a child for their whole life.
- Attentiveness is also an important thing to learn in our relationship with God.
Some tools and helps that can assist you as a parent in this process are:
- Family Devotions: the best place to learn to sit and listen is through a time of daily family devotions where children will listen to a devotion, Bible story, passage of Scripture and prayer as a family. This is the perfect training place for sitting and listening to God’s Word.
- The “Family Room”. This is a room that has a window into the sanctuary and can be a place of initial training in attentiveness.
- The “Children’s Bulletin” has mazes, puzzles and more for children to quietly do as they listen.
- The foyer also has chairs and monitors set up for a place that children can learn to be attentive outside of the sanctuary.
- Our staffed nursery can be a place where children are left, if parents would like to make use of it or need additional help.
God bless you as you seek to raise your sons and daughters in the worship of our awesome God!